I’ve made it my mission to understand where we are at and how I can offer a different way to support and raise up under served female leaders from across the West Midlands. This nurturing platform is built upon three core outcomes to which I’ve aligned my offering, my contribution.

These are my Why’s, my line in the gap. And they’ll be yours too.

Outcome: Entrepreneurship

The evidence:

“Only 1 in 3 UK entrepreneurs is a woman” (Government ‘Taskforce on Women-Led High-Growth Enterprises’)

The gap:

 “…to increase the number of female entrepreneurs by half by 2030” however there is no specific support for women in BME communities.

My contribution:

This platform and curated services will develop power and confidence in those I work with.

I am continuing to collaborate  with West Midlands Combined Authority to evolve their “Taskforce on Women of Colour”.

Outcome: Visibility and Representation

The evidence:

“BME individuals made up only 10% of the workforce, and only 6% of top management positions” ~ (The McGregor-Smith Review, 2017)

“74% of BAME women and non-binary people feel under-represented in podcasting” (Spotify, 2020)

The Gap:

Whilst the supporting evidence for the need for wider visibility and representation is too abundant to include here the gap is clear; BME people are underrepresented in the workforce and require more visibility as role models.

My contributions are detailed below.


My passion to redress the balance begins right here in Birmingham with events specifically for Black women and BAME women.

I’ll be collaborating with Agencies regarding The Art of Self Belief Network for Black Women and BAME Women as well as delivering The Art of Self Belief Signature Programme to a new audience.


My podcast, launching in Autumn 2022, will celebrate the incredible achievements of our successful Black female leaders here in the West Midlands, covering the wide breadth of intergenerational industry experience of my guests.

We’re offering inspiration for others to help transform negative self talk around imposter syndrome and begin to increase self-belief.

Outcome: Personal Development

The evidence:

Imposter Syndrome is particularly affecting BAME Women in the Workplace “linked to an under-representation of BME people”, highlighting the “importance of role models and representation” (Rhoda Quist – University of Westminster, 2022)

The gap:

The need for a focus on reinforcing a visibility of self, of self-belief and the ability to step into your power.

My contribution:

The Art of Self Belief Signature Programme does not only develop the confidence of the individual, it’s set to create those role models that are missing in the workplace.

Regular blog posts will invite key voices to share wisdom, experience and advice as an additional free resource to our audiences.

Ready to begin your transformation?