Join Estella Edwards on The Art of Self Belief podcast episode today as she is joined by Clair Graham.

Clair’s story includes joining a gang as a teenager, becoming pregnant at a young age, and living in

residential care. On today’s episode Clair shares her tips, tricks and obstacles faced in her fascinating

journey to become the Head of Service for Contextual Safeguarding at Birmingham Children Trust.


● Mindset

● Redirection not rejection

● Racism


“…you can’t be on your own in isolation, you need a team around you, you need your mentors, you need

your coaches, you need people who are similar to you in terms of race, gender, values, that you can, you

know, attract and build and connect with doesn’t have to be in your organisation”

“…look outside and find those role models that can help you.”

“…find your team. Find your support that works. Reach out, find like-minded people like yourselves, and

don’t be isolated whatever challenges you’re going through.”

“…there is hope, just believe in yourself and believe that things can change.”